Rock Bookmarks | 154

Did you know that Rock allows you to keep track of all your favorite pages, groups, people and reports.  In this ProTip we will take a second to explore the new feature for bookmarking your favorite pages. Just click the bookmark icon next to the search bar at the top of any page in Rock […]

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Rock Communications & Save Drafts | 146

This ProTip is first going to go over the basics of an SMS screen as well as an EMAIL screen. At the end of this ProTip, we are going to show you where all those draft communications get saved! I have captured most of this information directly from a Rock Training. Sending SMS From Select […]

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Rock Notes | 140

Rock has a robust way of collecting and storing notes particular to a person, group or other property in the database. I thought it would be helpful if we took a few minutes today to talk through the options available to you! There are 2 different style notes that are most helpful to you. Person […]

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Unsubscribe from SMS Messages | 139

Have you ever wondered how a guest can subscribe or unsubscribe from text messages from CedarCreek? Well, thats a great question! There are actually 2 different ways to ensure that a person is subscribed or unsubscribed. The first way is from within Rock itself. To ensure that a person is capable of receiving a text […]

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Checkin Manager 2.0 | 133

Are you a staff member in CedarCreek Kids or Students?  Maybe you are in Next Steps and oversee a large group from Growth Track?  Have you found a need to see everyone who is checked in right now? Maybe you need to change the room capacity or close a room.Introducing Check-In Manager 2.0!! While we […]

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Coordinators! You’ve arrived! | 131

Have you been trying to place Coordinators, Coaches and Team Leads? Or Hub Leaders and Coaches? Are you wondering what it starts to look like when you do? In this ProTip, Cindy Casey shares how she has placed leaders and the results she is experiencing: As a Next Steps Director of DreamTeam, I can’t lead, […]

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Small Group Attributes – Why? | 130

Have you ever built out a new small group in Rock? Or maybe you are editing an existing small group… You may have noticed a section called “Group Attribute Values“. What are they and how are they used? In this ProTip, we will take a few minutes to unpack each of them for you! The […]

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Paused Checkin Printers | 128

Have you ever noticed that a checkin printer may be paused and you have wondered how to un-pause the checkin printer? In this quick Pro-Tip, we will briefly go over some of the functions of pausing/unpausing your printers. Pause The printer is paused. Print, label feed (advance), and other labels are suspended until the pause […]

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Rock – My Dashboard | 127

Have you ever been clicking around in rock?  Maybe you noticed a menu option called “My Dashboard”.  What is that? Lets take a brief second to see what that page is and why it might be helpful. You can navigate to your ‘My Dashboard‘ page, by clicking on your profile picture in the top right […]

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Rock Profile Pictures | 125

Have you met someone in the lobby, or recently added someone to your DreamTeam… Maybe someone recently completed Growth Track and you want to look them up in Rock. Have you been thankful there is a profile picture already in Rock for that person! Me too! Having a profile picture in Rock can help us […]

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