Re-Load Rock Checkin | 107

Have you ever needed to change the configuration settings for your checkin station?  How many times have you had to find a YouMatter pen to click the [Home Button] on the iPad… Far too many I am guessing. Well… I have good news. There is a new way to access the configuration page in Rock […]

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Inactive DreamTeam | 103

Recently we have started asking our DreamTeam to update us on their current serving status.  We asked them to let us know if they are back serving, would be interested in other serving opportunities, or maybe they are holding off a few more months. It is important to us that we have an accurate picture […]

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Checkin Locations & Capacities | 101

There are many features behind Rock checkin that make it very powerful. We have recently made changes to Rock checkin that will enhance its functionality for our teams. Previously to know, there were 4 basic features to Rock Checkin. Those 4 basic features appeared visibly to you on your checkin configuration screen. Pick a Theme […]

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Public vs Private Groups | 100

If you have had any experience building small groups, you probably know there is an option to make a group [Public]. By default, this option is always checked, meaning by default the group is publicly available. If you uncheck the box next to [Public], the group will become ‘Private’. What is the difference between Public […]

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Mobile Checkin | 099

Mobile Checkin was introduced to our DreamTeam in August and a large number of Guests this past weekend.  While we continue to learn better how to use it, sometimes we learn that understanding the why and the language around it helps us best. In this ProTip we will do our best to cover Mobile Checkin […]

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Group Member Count | 093

When using the Group Viewer in Rock, have you ever noticed the white and grey number found to the right of the group? Have you ever wondered what that [Number] next to a group name in Rock was?  Most commonly, your number reflects the number of ‘Child Groups’ that are built below it. For example, […]

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Group Leader Requirements | 091

Many of you have received Errors when trying to activate your Small Groups in the past season. Most of the errors were due to a [Missing Group Leader Agreement] Note: You will receive an error if a Leader, Coach or Hub Leader does not have a current Group Leader Agreement on file. You may remember, […]

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Mobile Checkin iPad Settings | 087

In order to make Mobile Checkin more user friendly and as touchless as possible, your local campus checkin iPads can be set to 1 of 3 settings. The standard setup: Called [Available]. This setup is what our teams are most familiar with. It contains two buttons on the checkin screen Touch to Start Click for […]

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Rock Serving Badge & Page | 080

We have recently made some significant changes to our serving information in Rock. The first improvement we made, was how we display Family Ministry onboarding steps and their completion.  Previously, as a person completed different elements/steps within the Onboarding Program, a unique standalone badge would be displayed. In a recent update, we have consolidated our […]

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Print Test Tag | 074

Have you ever wanted to try and print a test label to confirm that your iPad and/or Label Printer are working? We now have the ability to print test labels, but it will require you changing the configuration of your checkin application. It will be very important that you change your configuration back to the […]

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