Update Rock Profile Page | 190

Profile pages in Rock have changed with the latest version.  The good news is, once you have taken a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the new layout, you will notice everything is a little cleaner and easier to move around the pages. As you can see the info that was at the top of […]

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Add Connections Manually | 189

Did you know that you can manually add your own connections into Rock? Lets use the example of someone who wants to get baptized.  Maybe you are talking to someone on the phone or meeting with them in person and the guest mentions to you that they want to get baptized.  Lets walk through the […]

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Active vs Inactive Groups | 187

Small groups exist in Kids, Students and Next Steps. When a small group is no longer meeting what should we do with it? We should mark the group [ Inactive ]. We do this by [ Editing ] the group and de-selecting the option for [ Active ].   Why shouldn’t we just [Archive] or […]

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Rock Merge Templates | 186

Did you know that Rock gives you the ability to merge data from most tables/lists of people into a word document?  For example, you may want to create mailing labels for a list of people… maybe you want to create a checkin sheet that you can print… or maybe you want to print labels to […]

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The Dreaded B-word – Budgeting | 183

Today’s ProTip comes to you from our very own Josh Brossia!!  Budgeting has gotten a bad rap. It’s not meant to be the “no fun” or “I can’t do that” part of your life, but it does create intentionality while setting you up success and freedom.  Sample Budgeting Form – Budgeting Form  However, like in […]

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External Email Warning | 182

We have built out some security updates to our email system to help users decipher legit emails from potentially harmful emails coming into our system. If you see either of these alerts, be conscientious of what you are clicking. To be clear, NOT ALL emails with these tags are bad! This is a tool to […]

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Rock and PCO Permissions | 181

You may wonder or need a quick reminder what type of permissions between Rock and Planning Center are automated.  Here is a really brief reminder of what those automatic permissions look like. Coordinators/Admin will receive “Scheduler” access in PCO This will be removed each June 1 (end of the school year) This will be added/updated […]

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Public Facing Group Names | 172

Todays ProTip is written by our very own Tristen Rayot! This ProTip will talk about an optional naming structure for our Small Groups. Group Viewer allows us to manage and organize our DreamTeam and Groups across the church! When it comes to Groups at W. Toledo, something that I have found very helpful is the […]

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Group Registration Links | 168

Written by our very own Nathan Campbell, Next Steps Director of Groups at the Findlay Campus. Did you know that you can send a direct link to a guest that is interested in signing up for a specific Group? We have all been there when trying to help people get connected to a group find […]

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Group Structures | 160

Groups Structure Picture it – you’re in a meeting and your leader has 20 team members gathered. The leader carries great vision, you’re personally inspired and ready to move and the team seems really ready to move too, but several weeks go by and no movement. 2 of the team members had a major family […]

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