Public Facing Group Names | 172

Todays ProTip is written by our very own Tristen Rayot! This ProTip will talk about an optional naming structure for our Small Groups.

Group Viewer allows us to manage and organize our DreamTeam and Groups across the church! When it comes to Groups at W. Toledo, something that I have found very helpful is the Public Name attribute value within Group Viewer. The Public Name attribute value allows us as Staff and/or Hub Leaders to differentiate between and internal and external name for our Groups!

For example, you may have Mother Testing leading a Starting Point Group. While registering the Group, she gives her Group the name “New Believer’s Study” and registers it within the Women’s Hub! Using “New Believer’s Study” as the Public Name will easily communicate to women searching our Groups Directory (on our external website) that this Group is for those who would consider themselves new believers!

However, when it comes to managing and organizing those Groups within Group Viewer in Rock, it can feel those Group names that are designated by the Group Leader can limit or restrict us! This is where the Public Name attribute value shines! You can name the Group whatever may be helpful to you for the purpose of organization by maintaining the Group name designated by the Group Leader as the Public Name under Group Attribute Values. From there, the name can be whatever would be most helpful for you and your Hub Leaders to manage and organize internally (not visible on our external website).

Below is screenshot of how my Hub Leaders and I have begun implementing this  within our Group Viewer.

You’ll notice there is a lowercase letter at the beginning of each Group Name. This allows my Hub Leaders and I to visually identify Groups that belong to “Groups Coach A”. This process continues to Groups Coach B, C and so on!

I’ve also begun naming the Groups beginning with the name(s) of the Group Leader(s) to also help my Hub Leaders and I more efficiently identify a Group within Group Viewer!