Rock Photo Requests | 210

Rock is about fostering relationships. Nothing helps this more than having photos in the system. Rock makes it easy to populate photos into the database by asking individuals to upload a photo from an emailed request. Let’s take a look at how it works. PHOTO REQUEST PROCESS 1 Request Staff sends out a photo request. This […]

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Group Leader Tools | 208

As we prepare for the new Groups Semester, we want to remind you of the Group Leader toolbox on our external site. While some of you may already be aware of these updates, we thought this would be a good opportunity to share with you. Note: This toolbox is different from the Group Leader Toolbox […]

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RSVP Groups | 205

If you’re hosting an dinner, meeting or gathering, it can be very important to know how many people plan to attend. The expected attendance can impact things like the location, the refreshments and even how many chairs you’ll need. You may be wondering how Event Registrations or Planning Center come into play. Rock Group RSVP […]

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Hospital Visit Requests | 202

A guest can submit a request for Hospital Visitation on our website: The direct link to the form is: The Hospital Visitation form is also available on the Guest Services page of CreekHelp. After a Hospital Visitation is submitted two things happen: the visitation is assigned to a staff member at the campus. […]

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Staff Notifications | 201

Did you know that Rock has a number of Notification groups set up. These notification groups are designed to notify you as a staff member when an action has occurred in Rock. These actions include: Care has been requested Hospital Visit Nursing Home Visit Homebound Sick Prayer has been requested Group Requirements Story Submitted How […]

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Prep for the Holiday | 206

Each time we have a big invite weekend, there are added stresses to our work days/weeks leading up to the weekend. Sometimes these added stresses cause us to forget or loose track of some of these things we do week in and week out. We get so excited about the weekend to come. We thought […]

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Planning Center People | 200

Planning Center Online (PCO) is a service that helps to manage teams of DreamTeam and especially the scheduling of those DreamTeam for specific weekend services. DreamTeam are always already in RockRMS. So why should you have to re-enter all their information in PCO when you already have it in Rock? And what do you do […]

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Rock Reporting Basics | 195

Reports in Rock are used to filter and display information on a specific group of people or groups within Rock. Imagine you wanted a list of people that are over the age of 18 who began attending within the last year.  What do you do now? Request a Report (ANYONE can do this) Fill out […]

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Student Checkin Configuration | 193

In today’s ProTip, we are going to layout the best practice for Student Checkin Configurations. This applies to both Wednesday nights along with Weekends. The basis of our checkin for Student Ministries is Small Groups. Weekend Services 5th – 6th Graders. Students will check into their [ Grade ] Group Leaders, Guest Services & Production […]

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Checkin Printer Errors | 192

Have you ever experienced an issue with your Rock checkin stations not printing after someone checks in? Below are the most common reasons printing during checkin may error out: The printer is turned off. To fix this, turn the printer on. The printer is not connected to WiFi. To fix this, turn the printer off, […]

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