Known Relationships | 038

Did you know that Known Relationships can help you and your guests at Checkin? Depending on the known relationship that you create on a persons profile, Rock will allow them to check other people in. For example: Rock by itself allows you to checkin you or anyone in your immediate family by searching your own […]

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Group Inactivity Report | 037

Inactive reports have been consolidated!   Instead of having 6 reports for each department’s DreamTeam that show inactive members, these have now been consolidated into 1 report.  To access your Inactive DreamTeam members instead of opening up dataviews, you will want to go to Tools and click on “Group Inactivity”.   From there follow these […]

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iPad WebClips | 036

Did you know that your ministry iPads have web clips.  Web clips are located on page 1 of the iPad. These web clips are quick links to websites.  Websites are typically requested by our Senior Directors of ministry. Some of the quick links or web clips are: CreekHelp CedarCreek Registration Forms Consent Forms Liability Forms […]

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PCO Communication Preferences | 034

Did you know that it is possible to select a communication preference for a unique person in Planning Center? Its super easy!!! We like easy. Navigate to a person’s profile in Planning Center. Note: by DEFAULT a persons communication preference is EMAIL. Click on the [Communication] tab.

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Email Wizard | 033

Have you ever tried to send an email with Rock? Ever been a bit confused on the steps you should/could take?  Hopefully this quick pro-tip will help! In addition to this Pro Tip there is a video already created to help walk you through the steps. You can find that video HERE: When sending […]

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Small Group Semesters | 032

Did you know that each Small Group and Small Group Member can (and should) be associated with a Semester? What are semesters? Fall Winter Summer Why do we do semesters? Semester Groups Vision Doc When a group is added to Rock, it is important (and required) to be given a semester designation. This allows our […]

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ProPresenter Remote | 031

There is nothing more annoying than needing to run slides while simultaneously facilitating, but the computer is located in the back of the room. However, there is good news! ProPresenter Remote is the solution for you! Continue reading to see how this app can help make life easier. ProPresenter Remote is an app that you […]

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