Help is on the way! | 094

Have you ever submitted a Support Ticket?  Have you wondered… Where did my ticket go? Who is working my ticket? We have answers! WOO HOO! After you submit a Support Ticket, you should receive an automatic reply within a minute or two.  Take a quick look at the reply email. There is some cool stuff […]

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Group Member Count | 093

When using the Group Viewer in Rock, have you ever noticed the white and grey number found to the right of the group? Have you ever wondered what that [Number] next to a group name in Rock was?  Most commonly, your number reflects the number of ‘Child Groups’ that are built below it. For example, […]

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Search Support Tickets | 092

Did you know that you can search your previously submitted support tickets?  Not only can you search for your previously submitted tickets, but you can search/see all tickets that have been submitted by anyone in the organization.  This feature is most beneficial if you want to see what tickets someone on your team has submitted […]

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Group Leader Requirements | 091

Many of you have received Errors when trying to activate your Small Groups in the past season. Most of the errors were due to a [Missing Group Leader Agreement] Note: You will receive an error if a Leader, Coach or Hub Leader does not have a current Group Leader Agreement on file. You may remember, […]

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Teamwork Calendar | 090

Did you know that Teamwork Projects offers a calendar option? While the calendar within Teamwork can be filled with lots of information and could be overwhelming, our goal today is to show a quick way to filter down to specific areas of the calendar. Note: Each item on the calendar is assigned to an [Event-Type]. […]

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Team Leaders – Planning Center | 089

While our DreamTeam is synced between Rock and PCO. One area that is not synced, is Planning Center [Team Leaders]. You may want to take a look at your Team Leaders from time to time and make sure they are updated. Click the [Plans Tab] Hover over your Ministry Area [Plan Type] Click the [Settings […]

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Sort Projects in Teamwork | 088

Did you know that you can sort your available list of Projects in Teamwork? Within Teamwork, you can view all of your projects in a list or grid view. Go to the Projects area at the top of your site and select the List tab. Project Statuses If you have many projects they may have different statuses depending […]

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Mobile Checkin iPad Settings | 087

In order to make Mobile Checkin more user friendly and as touchless as possible, your local campus checkin iPads can be set to 1 of 3 settings. The standard setup: Called [Available]. This setup is what our teams are most familiar with. It contains two buttons on the checkin screen Touch to Start Click for […]

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Update your Planning Center Templates | 086

Why should you update your team in a Planning Center Template? Most ministry plans are created on a weekly basis from Central Ministry Teams. These central ministry teams typically build their weekly plans using existing Templates. If your team does not have a centrally created ministry plan (like First Impressions), you are likely building your […]

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New: Option to Not Auto-Create Needed Positions | 084

When a person declines or is removed from the schedule, you usually need someone else for that role, so Services creates a needed position to make it easier to fill that spot. But some teams are more open-ended, like a Choir. You schedule the whole team and if some people can’t make it, that’s fine, you don’t […]

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