PCO Communication Preferences | 034

Did you know that it is possible to select a communication preference for a unique person in Planning Center? Its super easy!!! We like easy. Navigate to a person’s profile in Planning Center. Note: by DEFAULT a persons communication preference is EMAIL. Click on the [Communication] tab.

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Email Wizard | 033

Have you ever tried to send an email with Rock? Ever been a bit confused on the steps you should/could take?  Hopefully this quick pro-tip will help! In addition to this Pro Tip there is a video already created to help walk you through the steps. You can find that video HERE: https://creekhelp.com/software-tutorials/rockrms/rock-videos/?video=13089 When sending […]

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Small Group Semesters | 032

Did you know that each Small Group and Small Group Member can (and should) be associated with a Semester? What are semesters? Fall Winter Summer Why do we do semesters? Semester Groups Vision Doc When a group is added to Rock, it is important (and required) to be given a semester designation. This allows our […]

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CreekHelp Redirects | 027

Did you know CreekHelp has some cool and quick redirects that will help you navigate some quick pages on the site? Here is a quick list of things that are available to you: CreekHelp/digital-engagement-playbook Takes you to the online engagement playbook CreekHelp.com/events Takes you to our guide for hub events CreekHelp.com/coronavirus or CreekHelp.com/covid19 Takes you […]

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Rock Following Notices | 026

Did you know that Rock offers a great opportunity to ‘Follow’ people? When you think of following… think of following someone on social media.  You will be made aware of updates to their account in Rock. You may be wondering what things are we made aware of when we follow someone? Log into Rock Click […]

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Signup Sheets | 025

Have you ever thought about having your DreamTeam sign up for their serving opportunities instead of having you ‘assign’ them to their serving roles?  Well! You can make that happen with Planning Center Signup Sheets! Because Planning Center has such excellent documentation on this topic already, I thought I would start by sharing their link […]

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Google Hangouts | 024

Have you thought about hosting a small group online? Have you thought about having a web based meeting with people who are not able to physically be in attendance? We suggest Google Hangouts. While CedarCreek Church does not provide technical support for Google Hangouts, we believe that it is an easy platform to ‘plug and […]

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Go To Meeting | 023

We have recently changed video conferencing platforms from Join.Me to GoToMeeting. With GoToMeeting we have a total of 5 ‘hosting’ licenses.  Each one of these licenses allow the user to host a call. (host/initiate). Each time a meeting is hosted or initiated, the call can allow for 150 callers/guests. Here is a list of the […]

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