Smart Leadership | 170

Smart Leadership by Mark Miller Have you ever considered what is holding you back from accomplishing your goals, dreams, and aspirations? Mark lumps all of these limiting factors into one metaphor: Quicksand… When faced with quicksand, you’ve got 3 options: Sink – Give up and die Swim – Learn to swim (lead) in the quicksand […]

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Working Geniuses | 169

Working Genius ProTip March 2022   What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say work? Maybe you picture time in the lobby or singing on stage, maybe it’s opening your laptop or time in meetings. It may even be a feeling like “Ugh!”, or “Yay!” (gosh we hope it’s yay!). No matter […]

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Group Registration Links | 168

Written by our very own Nathan Campbell, Next Steps Director of Groups at the Findlay Campus. Did you know that you can send a direct link to a guest that is interested in signing up for a specific Group? We have all been there when trying to help people get connected to a group find […]

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Planning Center Music – Pencil Kit | 166

Posted by Planning Center on Feb 4th 2022 We may have snuck a little Music Stand update under your Christmas tree last year—did anyone find it? Whether you use an Apple Pencil to annotate your music sheets, or you draw everything by hand, you will now see a whole new set of drawing tools. You’ll […]

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Planning Center Room Approvals | 165

Calendar is where you can find all the answers to what events are happening when, where, and with what stuff. But there is one last question—who? Who is in charge of all the rooms and resources assigned to these events? Did you know that Calendar is also a great place to reserve things like: 15 […]

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Using Teamwork with Teams | 164

Originally posted by Teamwork in October 2021 Search and share from Microsoft Teams In Microsoft Teams, you can search for and share Teamwork tasks, projects, people, and spaces in your messages. This is possible via the Teamwork icon located at the bottom of the Posts tab. Click the Teamwork icon and select the relevant tab […]

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Teamwork Automations | 163

Originally posted by Teamwork in December 2021 Creating automations Automations are available at project level via the List section of each project. Note: Automations can only be viewed, created, and managed by Project Managers. While viewing the List area of a project, click the Automate button in the top right. The Automations modal will allow you to […]

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Group Structures | 160

Groups Structure Picture it – you’re in a meeting and your leader has 20 team members gathered. The leader carries great vision, you’re personally inspired and ready to move and the team seems really ready to move too, but several weeks go by and no movement. 2 of the team members had a major family […]

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Notebook Toolbar | 162

Originally posted by Teamwork in April 2021 Within Teamwork, the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor will be enabled by default as the editor for your notebooks. Undo / redo Clear formatting In the paragraph formatting, you can switch to default heading styles 1 to 6. Inline text formatting options: superscript, subscript, […]

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Teamwork Notebook Live Editor | 158

Within Teamwork, you can edit existing notebooks that have been added to your projects. Collaborative editing allows you to immediately see any changes that someone else makes in a notebook while you are editing it. To edit, navigate to the Notebooks section of your project. Editing the content of a notebook When you hover over […]

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