Teamwork Privacy | 022

Teamwork has very simple options to set privacy on tasks, lists, files and notebooks. If you are an administrator on your project you have the ability to edit these privacy settings. If you are unsure who is the administrator on your project, feel free to reach out to your Project Manager.

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PCO Team Leaders | 021

Did you know that Planning Center has a position called ‘Team Leaders’? Do you know what this position does? Each Team in Planning Center Services has a role called the ‘Team Leader”. While the team members almost never know who the team leader is in Planning Center, the Team Leader role was created so that […]

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Checkin Manager | 020

Many of you have asked what the ‘Gear’ icon is in the lower right side of Checkin. This gear allows our staff to do some unique items. Most popularly, this icon allows our staff to access checkin overrides. A checkin override allows a staff member or dream team member the ability to check a guest […]

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Post TASKS via Email | 019

Do you know how easy it can be to post content to Teamwork? INCLUDING the creation of Tasks!  How cool is that! Teamwork Projects allows team members to post tasks via email to different projects or task lists uniquely. In its simplest for; Teamwork will give you an email address to send an email to. […]

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Planning Center Calendar Conflicts | 018

Have you ever tried to make a room or resource reservation in Planning Center and realized that someone else already booked the item? In most cases you have decided to select another date or time for your event/request, you may even have tried to submit your request with the conflict but have been denied your […]

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Rock Communication History | 016

Did you know that you can check Communication History in Rock? What is Communication History? Communication History can be any of the following: See/Read an email/SMS that someone sent from Rock See/Read an email/SMS that someone received from Rock See details on an email/SMS that you sent from Rock Details like: How many emails/SMS items […]

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Teamwork SMS Reminders | 015

Did you know that Teamwork can text you reminders about an upcoming task? In just a few steps we will show you how that’s achieved! First: Navigate to the task you are hoping to add and SMS reminder. Hover over that task and look for an icon with a [Bell] You can also hover over […]

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Resource Calendars | 014

Planning Center Resources have the ability to run some pretty cool reports. In this short ProTip, we will show you some unique tips on how to create quick reports. Lets say you want a report on all room usage at the Perrysburg Campus. Go to Planning Center Resources Go to Rooms Click on Perrysburg Campus […]

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Rock Checkin Configuration | 012

The Rock Checkin Configuration page is a power tool! If you are not sure what the Rock Checkin Configuration page is there is a picture below. There are a couple important notes on this page, but first let’s talk about how to get to this page. This page loads before you can actually checkin on […]

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Spotify Offline Mode | 011

Did you know we have 4 Premium Subscriptions to Spotify ‘per’ campus! Arts Kids Next Steps Students With Spotify Premium you receive ad free listening! WOO HOO! One nice addition to Spotify Premium is the ability to listen in ‘offline’ mode. This can give you the ability to listen in another location.

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