Planning Center Calendar Conflicts | 018

Have you ever tried to make a room or resource reservation in Planning Center and realized that someone else already booked the item?

In most cases you have decided to select another date or time for your event/request, you may even have tried to submit your request with the conflict but have been denied your request (probably because someone else already had the item.  Here are some good notes.

When you try to make a room or resource request, you will know that an item is already reserved because the item will be ‘hashed’ out. [///////]

If you try to reserve this room or resource, you will be given a warning that explains the item is currently already reserved and who/when it is reserved for. Within this warning you have the opportunity to cancel your reservation or accept the warning that you will be creating a conflict with another user.

If you have decided to accept the warning, the conflict approver from the campus you have selected with be in touch with an approval or denial for your request.

If you are a conflict approver and want to dive a bit deeper feel free to click for more information.

The first thing that we should understand about Planning Center and Conflict Management is that, Planning Center views Conflict Management as a ‘central’ role.  Planning Center will not split up conflicts by campuses. Instead, any time a conflict is created planning center will notify everyone on the Conflict Resolver list of the new conflict. Please pay particular attention to conflicts from your campus and resolve them in a timely manner.

When you have been issued a conflict to resolve, you will be given 2 options:

  1. Select one of the two events to approve
  2. Allow both events to share the room/resource

Once you have made your selection, you will need to click the button labeled [Resolve]

After resolving the room/resource, the event creator will be notified.

Hope this helps you understand a bit more about conflicts in Planning Center Calendar.

If you have more questions please feel free to reach out, also check out this article by PCO: HERE