Rock Notes | 140

Rock has a robust way of collecting and storing notes particular to a person, group or other property in the database. I thought it would be helpful if we took a few minutes today to talk through the options available to you! There are 2 different style notes that are most helpful to you. Person […]

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Unsubscribe from SMS Messages | 139

Have you ever wondered how a guest can subscribe or unsubscribe from text messages from CedarCreek? Well, thats a great question! There are actually 2 different ways to ensure that a person is subscribed or unsubscribed. The first way is from within Rock itself. To ensure that a person is capable of receiving a text […]

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Teamwork Tables | 137

Originally posted by Teamwork in July 2021 Within Teamwork, you can use table view to easily view and manage tasks on your projects. Switching to table view To view tasks in table view, select the Table tab from the project’s navigation menu. When viewing the Table area on a project, your tasks will be displayed in table […]

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Staff Values | 136

Wow… what a season. Can you believe that it has been 4 months since we have published a CreekHelp ProTip?!?! Well… guess what? WE ARE BACK!!! In this ProTip we want to recap our most recent CreekHelp Academy Course on Staff Values, but before we do we are excited to share with you 2 big […]

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New Teamwork App | 134

Posted by Emma Hanley with Teamwork Projects. The teamwork team, posted a blog with videos about their new Teamwork App. You can check that out that update here. Download the new, beautifully designed native mobile app   Teamwork just launched their new iOS and Android native mobile apps. With a strong focus on its elegant […]

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Checkin Manager 2.0 | 133

Are you a staff member in CedarCreek Kids or Students?  Maybe you are in Next Steps and oversee a large group from Growth Track?  Have you found a need to see everyone who is checked in right now? Maybe you need to change the room capacity or close a room.Introducing Check-In Manager 2.0!! While we […]

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Scheduling Permissions | 132

Have you started handing off Scheduling to a DreamTeam member?  NICE JOB!!! Doesn’t that feel great?!? As a reminder each Monday we make sure ministry coordinators and admins have scheduling access in Planning Center: First Impressions Kids Ministry Next Steps Student Ministries Recently Planning Center made some pretty big updates to their new Plans Page!!! […]

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Small Group Attributes – Why? | 130

Have you ever built out a new small group in Rock? Or maybe you are editing an existing small group… You may have noticed a section called “Group Attribute Values“. What are they and how are they used? In this ProTip, we will take a few minutes to unpack each of them for you! The […]

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Planning Center Mobile Widgets | 129

Posted by Planning Center on March 23rd by Aaron Steward When you need to prepare for church, you launch the Services mobile app and everything is right there. But you might want to keep tabs on some key tasks without needing to launch the app. With our new mobile widgets, schedulers can make sure everyone […]

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Paused Checkin Printers | 128

Have you ever noticed that a checkin printer may be paused and you have wondered how to un-pause the checkin printer? In this quick Pro-Tip, we will briefly go over some of the functions of pausing/unpausing your printers. Pause The printer is paused. Print, label feed (advance), and other labels are suspended until the pause […]

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