Campus Prep for Easter | 241

Each time we have a big invite weekend, there are added stresses to our work days/weeks leading up to the weekend. Sometimes these added stresses cause us to forget or lose track of some of these things we do week in and week out. We get so excited about the weekend to come. We thought […]

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Sticky Notes not for Passwords | 239

Do you keep your login and password information written down on Post-it Notes or pieces of paper near your desk? If so, you should consider using a password manager. When you dispose of your password, you should use a paper shredder to dispose of the note. Do not place it directly in a trash bin. […]

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Send Contact Card through Rock | 238

Do you have a Rock mobile number that you use to text families or DreamTeam? Did you know that you can send people your contact card? Step One: Create a contact in your phone for your Rock Mobile Number. Put information into the contact card you are creating in the same way you would want […]

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Project Administrators | 236

This ProTip is specifically for those staff who manage or oversee a Teamwork Project. If you are unsure or think you should be managing a Teamwork Project, please reach out! Project Administrators have a bunch of rights very similar to organizational administrators, but their rights are specific to a project within teamwork. Here are some […]

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Two Way Radios | 235

Each of our campuses are equipped with a number of two way radios. These radios should be in use by campus staff, kids & student ministries and our safety teams. For additional information on our radios click here. For a printable radio channel reference sheet click here. Basic Two-Way Radio Etiquette Rules In General When […]

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Fake Pop-ups | 234

If you’re known to dabble in a little online browsing, odds are you’ve encountered a pop-up once or twice. There are times when a user may think, “Wow, that’s a great deal!” and click on a pop-up. To those users: put down the mouse. Why? That pop-up could be malicious or dangerous. There used to […]

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Campus Prep for Preach Off | 232

Each time we have a big invite weekend, there are added stresses to our work days/weeks leading up to the weekend. Sometimes these added stresses cause us to forget or lose track of some of these things we do week in and week out. We get so excited about the weekend to come. We thought […]

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How to set-up your RSVP Groups | 233

If you are interested in learning more about RSVP groups, see this ProTip If you are interested in learning how to set up your DreamTeam RSVP groups, continue on with this ProTip. The first thing to know is that your DreamTeam RSVP group is already built.  You can find your DreamTeam RSVP groups by following this […]

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Web and App Search | 231

Have you checked out our search functionality from either the website or mobile app yet?  Both search indexes are powerful features of our new digital platforms. Here are some quick features of the search-ability. Mobile App: The mobile app can search any content we have built in RockRMS (copy) to be featured in the app. […]

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