Microsoft Teams & Teamwork | 178

Did you know Microsoft Teams has an integration with Teamwork Projects.
A note about the integration from Julie Lew – 

What has been super helpful about the TW integration with Teams is being able to point team members right to the task you are inquiring about. With one click it takes the user right to Teamwork to work directly in the task needed. It creates efficiency with work flow and response times.

To add Teamwork to Microsoft Teams, select Apps from the bottom left of the navigation bar.
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You can then search for Teamwork within the Apps area. Click the Teamwork card to select the app.

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Once selected, you can choose from a couple of setup options. Click the Add button to add the integration for yourself only.
You can also add the integration for your team or to a chat channel, click the dropdown arrow and select Add to a team, Add to a chat or Add to a meeting.
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If you choose Add, the integration will then be enabled on your Microsoft Teams account.
When choosing to add to a team or chat, you will be prompted to select a team or chat channel before clicking Set up to proceed.
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In the Teamwork modal, select the Teamwork tab and click Connect with Teamwork to login to your Teamwork site.
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You will be presented with the Teamwork log in screen where you can enter the credentials. If you have multiple Teamwork accounts associated with your email address, you will be able to select a specific account.

You will also be required to allow third party access to your data to continue.

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Following successful connection, you will then have the option to configure your tab settings which include choosing an associated project and a default landing page for the tab.
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It is also possible to connect via the Apps subsection when viewing an individual team profile.
Search and share from Microsoft Teams
In Microsoft Teams, you can search for and share Teamwork tasks, projects, people, and spaces in your messages.
This is possible via the Teamwork icon located at the bottom of the Posts tab. Click the Teamwork icon and select the relevant tab before entering your search term.
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The tab will update with any results matching your search term. Click any of the results to add the item as a card in your message. You can then post the card directly into the channel via the send arrow in the bottom right.
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Once posted, the task name, project, and task list will be clickable and will open the details in a new browser tab. For people, the card will share their contact details with a clickable link to the user’s profile in Teamwork. For Teamwork Spaces, both the Space and Page name will be clickable to open in a new tab.
You can also search and share via the main search bar in Microsoft Teams. Type @teamwork into the search bar and select the Teamwork app from the dropdown to enable Teamwork searching.
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When Teamwork search is enabled, you can choose to search tasks, projects, people or spaces from the dropdown menu.
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Enter your search term to show any related Teamwork results.
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Clicking the Teamwork item from the search results list will display the item card in the search menu. You can click the copy icon in the right corner of the card to copy a link to this item, for sharing.
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Creating a Teamwork task
You can create Teamwork tasks via Microsoft Teams in multiple ways.
In the Posts tab, select the Teamwork icon to open the modal, then click the plus icon option and select Add a Teamwork Task.
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From a message, click the options menu (three dots) in the upper right corner of a message. Under More actions, select Add a Teamwork TaskWhen creating a task from a message, details of the message thread will be included in the task description in Teamwork.
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From the Microsoft Teams search bar, type @teamwork and select the Teamwork app to enable Teamwork searching.
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Once Teamwork searching is enabled, select Create a Task from the dropdown menu.
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In each of the task creation options, you will be asked to select a project to associate with the task.
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Once a project has been selected, you can then choose a task list and set a title, description, and due date.
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