Microsoft Teams & Teamwork Projects | 207

Did you know that Microsoft Teams is integrated with Teamwork Projects?

View and interact with your Teamwork projects in Microsoft Teams using tabs. Create new Teamwork tasks, messages and comments. Because we go the extra mile: you can also search for and post Teamwork items in Microsoft Teams.
  • Collaborate on projects directly from Microsoft Teams.
  • Share what you are working on with your team to provide updates as tasks progress.
  • Create Teamwork items from Microsoft Teams messages and requests, turning conversations into trackable work.

Add a project tab in Microsoft Teams

Add a Teamwork project tab to Microsoft Teams to view and interact with the project from Microsoft Teams.
  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click Teams and select a team.
  3. Click the + icon to add a new tab.
  4. Search for and select Teamwork from your available apps.
  5. Select the Teamwork tab.
  6. Click Connect with Teamwork.
  7. Log in to your Teamwork account. You can add multiple Teamwork tabs in Microsoft Teams and even use Multiple Teamwork accounts if needed.
  8. Follow the prompts to allow third-party access to your Teamwork data.
  9. Choose a project and view:
    1. Project: Use the dropdown to search for and choose a project.
    2. View: Select a project view to display in the tab — Dashboard, List, Board, or Gantt.
  10. Click Save.
A Teamwork project tab is added to the team and you can now interact with the project and its tasks.

Create a Teamwork task

Create a Teamwork task from Microsoft Teams.
  1. Open a Microsoft Teams Posts tab.
    1. Not on a Posts tab? Search for and select @Teamwork from the search bar and click + Add a Teamwork task.
  2. Click New conversation.
  3. Click the  (ellipsis) and select the Teamwork app.
  4. Click the + icon.
  5. Select Add a Teamwork task.
  6. Choose a project to create the task in.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select a task list.
  9. Add a task title. Want to get detailed? Add task attributes with shortcodes (there’s a section in this below). 
  10. Add a task description.
  11. Set a due date.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Review the task and ensure task details are correct. If you need to make an update, click Edit.
  14. Select Send. This creates the task in your chosen Teamwork project.

Comment on a task

Add comments to Teamwork tasks from Microsoft Teams.

Comment from a task post

  1. Open a Teams Posts tab.
  2. Find an individual post about a task and click Add a comment.
  3. Enter your comment and click Save comment.

Search for and comment on any task

  1. Search for and select @Teamwork from the searchbar.
  2. Click + Comment on a task.
  3. Select a project, then click Next.
  4. Search for a task based on task name, then click Search.
  5. Click Select on one of the matching results.
  6. Enter your comment, then click Save comment.
Your comment is added to the Teamwork task.

Another option…

Reply to a comment directly using the Reply option on a Teamwork post. Type your comment in the text field and click Save reply. Your comment is added to the task in Teamwork.