Spiritual Gifts | 265

On occasion, you may experience a person’s profile in Rock who seems to have duplicate spiritual gifts loaded to their profile. Today, we want to provide a little bit of clarity around these spiritual gifts.

If a person’s profile in Rock has a set of gifts with the attribute title of: Spiritual Gifts, this user has previously taken their gifts using an older version of our online assessment OR has taken the written version of our assessment. Either way, the user has told us the results of their assessment by filling out a Growth Track Next Steps card. By filling out this card from within Rock, a persons profile would be updated automatically.

On other profiles, you may notice a set of spiritual gifts with the attribute titles of: Dominant Gifts, Supportive Gifts, Other Gifts. These gifts come directly from our assessment that you take directly from within Rock. Dominant Gifts are most commonly connected with what has been previously tracked as our ‘Spiritual Gifts’. The Supportive Gifts and Other gifts are gifts the assessment form found helpful to report back to the user.