Student Checkin Configuration | 193

In today’s ProTip, we are going to layout the best practice for Student Checkin Configurations. This applies to both Wednesday nights along with Weekends. The basis of our checkin for Student Ministries is Small Groups. Weekend Services 5th – 6th Graders. Students will check into their [ Grade ] Group Leaders, Guest Services & Production […]

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Checkin Printer Errors | 192

Have you ever experienced an issue with your Rock checkin stations not printing after someone checks in? Below are the most common reasons printing during checkin may error out: The printer is turned off. To fix this, turn the printer on. The printer is not connected to WiFi. To fix this, turn the printer off, […]

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My Work Tasks | 191

Clean up on aisle My Work Use the My Work tab to make sure you don’t miss any deadlines. Organize your My Work page in a way that works for you. With just a few taps, you can change your My Work page to show you everything you need to know, day after day.   […]

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Add Connections Manually | 189

Did you know that you can manually add your own connections into Rock? Lets use the example of someone who wants to get baptized.  Maybe you are talking to someone on the phone or meeting with them in person and the guest mentions to you that they want to get baptized.  Lets walk through the […]

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Phishing Alert Button | 188

You may notice a new “Phish Alert Button” in your email client today.     You can use this button to report any suspicious or potentially dangerous emails. If you get a suspicious email, click the Phish Alert button and the email will be deleted from your inbox and forwarded to our IT team for […]

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Active vs Inactive Groups | 187

Small groups exist in Kids, Students and Next Steps. When a small group is no longer meeting what should we do with it? We should mark the group [ Inactive ]. We do this by [ Editing ] the group and de-selecting the option for [ Active ].   Why shouldn’t we just [Archive] or […]

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Rock Merge Templates | 186

Did you know that Rock gives you the ability to merge data from most tables/lists of people into a word document?  For example, you may want to create mailing labels for a list of people… maybe you want to create a checkin sheet that you can print… or maybe you want to print labels to […]

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Teamwork look and layout | 185

Originally posted by Teamwork Projects on June 13th. Some of you may have already opted to use the new look, others may not. However, on November 1st the new look will be pushed to all users at CedarCreek Church. We’re excited to roll out a brand new look and feel to Teamwork. It’s the same […]

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The Dreaded B-word – Budgeting | 183

Today’s ProTip comes to you from our very own Josh Brossia!!  Budgeting has gotten a bad rap. It’s not meant to be the “no fun” or “I can’t do that” part of your life, but it does create intentionality while setting you up success and freedom.  Sample Budgeting Form – Budgeting Form  However, like in […]

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