Campus Signage: #
Click here to be taken to a page of various signage
Email Signature: #
First Last Name
Job Title
CEDARCREEKCHURCH (All one word. CEDARCREEK = Montserrat semi-bold | CHURCH = Montserrat light)
c. Cell-Phone-Number
t. @twitterhandle
Check out any of our weekend services LIVE online at
Connect with us on Social Media
f/t/i. @CedarCreekTV
Letterhead: #
Click HERE for a copy of our current letterhead.
Click HERE for a PDF version of a branded document background.
Click HERE for a Word version of a branded document background.
Fax Cover Sheet: #
South Toledo
West Toledo
Font: #
How to install on Windows operating system.
How to install on Mac operating system.
Paint Branding Colors: #
Click HERE to see branding room colors
Branding Colors: #
Ministry Branding: #
- Kids
- Kids 2021 Collaborative Design
- Next Steps
- Students
- Student Ministry Shirts
- Fusion Camp Promotion SWAG
- Fusion Camp Special Promo SWAG
- Student Spring 2020 SWAG
Campus Walls: #
Findlay Walls:
- Auditorium Entrance 1
- Auditorium Entrance 2
- Coffee Wall
- Conference Room
- Hall Left of Auditorium
- Left Side Entrance
- Restroom Wall
- Right Side Entrance
- Soda Machine Wall
- Student Ministries
Oregon Walls:
- Kids1st5th
- Kids3sK
- Babies
- KidsElementaryHallway
- KidsidsElementaryLrgProgram
- KidsHuddle
- KidsidsPreSchoolHallway
- KidsPreSchoolLrgProgram
- Toddlers
Perrysburg Walls:
- North Atrium
- North Atrium Coffee Wall
- North Atrium Hall Entrance to South Atrium
- North Atrium Hall Stair Well
- North Atrium Hall to Cedarville
- North Atrium Hall to South Atrium 1
- North Atrium Hall to South Atrium 2
- North Atrium Heading to South Atrium Hall
- North Atrium Pop & Vol Wall
- North Atrium Restrooms
- North Atrium Toward Auditorium Wall
- South Atrium Window Wall and Back Wall
- South Atrium Near Kitchen
- South Atrium Window Wall
- South Atrium Back Wall near Entrance
- South Atrium to North Atrium
- South Atrium Room 118 1
- South Atrium Room 118 2
- South Atrium Room 118 3
- South Atrium Soda Wall
- Student Ministries
South Toledo Walls:
- Auditorium Entrance
- Cafe Wall TV 1
- Cafe Wall 2
- Cafe Wall 3
- Coffee and Soda Kiosk
- Farthest Entrance
- Fireplace Wall
- Guest Services
- Left of Entrance
- Right of Entrance
- Outside Cafe
- Restroom Wall
- Small Room
- Student Ministries
- Kids1st3rd
- Kids3s4s
- Kids4th5th
- Kids5k
- Babies
- KidsHallway
- KidsHangout
- KidsHuddle
- KidsLrgProgram
- KidsPreSchoolHallway
- KidsPreSchoolLrgProgram
- Toddlers
West Toledo Walls:
- Auditorium Wall
- Back Auditorium Wall
- Back Wall Near Cedarville
- Coffee Wall
- Entrance Back Wall
- Entrance Foyer Wall
- Front Wall
- Student Hall
- Wall Near Cedarville
- Student Ministries
- Kids1st3rd
- Kids3sK
- Kids4th5th
- Babies
- Kidscheckin
- KidsElementaryhallway
- KidsElementaryLrgProgram
- KidsHuddle
- KidsPreSchoolhallway
- KidsPreSchoolLrgProgram
- Toddlers
Whitehouse Walls
- Auditorium Entrance
- Auditorium Right
- Barndoor Wall
- Bathroom Wall
- Hall to Production
- Hall to Offices
- Left of Auditorium
- Left of Barndoors
- Main Door Entrance
- Right of Soda
- Soda Wall
- Student Minsitries
- Wall by Door
- Kids1st3rd
- Babies
- KidsElementaryLrgProgram
- KidsPreSchoolHallway
- KidsPreschoolHallway2
- KidsPreschoolLrgProgram
- Toddlers
Door & Window Measurements: #
South Toledo
West Toledo