CR, Friday Night Experience Checklist - Celebrate Recovery - Checklist First Name * Last Name * Your Email Address * Campus * FindlayOregonPerrysburgSouth ToledoWest ToledoWhitehouse Are you a staff member at this campus? * YES NO Date * WELCOME Greeters wearing nametag at the door passing out bulletins * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT Clear signage showing where meeting is held * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT Information table visible from the entrance * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT *Only Celebrate Recovery-approved materials on information table * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT DINNER Prayer over the meal (Last Friday of month only) YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Leaders accessible and easily identified YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT Healthy choices for people with food issues YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT LARGE GROUP MEETING Leader's Huddle * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTDid not experience Starts on time * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT Opening song / Welcome / Opening prayer * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT Worship Songs * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT Reading of the 8 Principles or the 12 steps * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT News/Announcements - exciting and engaging for the Newcomer * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT *Teaching one of the 25 Lessons from the Leaders Guide * YESNO Special music / Offering * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT *Scripture retained from Leaders Guide YESNO *Acrostic from the Leaders Guide used properly YESNONeeds Improvement *Testimony YES, Testimony NightNO, No Testimony GivenNEEDS IMPROVEMENT Serenity Prayer / Dismissal to Open Share Groups * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT Large Group ends on time * YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENT OPEN SHARE GROUPS *All groups are gender-specific YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Two Leaders trained and available for each small group YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Leader's Notebooks used during the meeting including: YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A *Open Share Group format Sheet YESNON/A Chips to recognize sobriety milestones YESNON/A *5 Small Group Guidelines YESNON/A Helpful phrases to support the guidelines YESNON/A Leader's focus question YESNONEEDS MORE IMPROVEMENTN/A Leaders welcome participants at the door YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Leaders open the meeting with welcome and prayer YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Celebrate Recovery-style introductions YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A *Reading and following the 5 Small Group Guidelines YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Reading and following the Helpful Phrases Provided YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Offering chips/medallions to recognize sobreity YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Group closed in Prayer YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Leaders available afterward for questions YESNONEEDS IMPROVEMENTN/A Share about your overall experience, including details on areas marked no. If it was a testimony night, what feedback, if any, do you have about the testimony? If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit This page is maintained by Ben Bockert / Last Updated: Sunday, December 15, 2024