Checklist - Growth Track - Ministry Experience Survey First Name * Last Name * Your Email Address Campus being Checked * FindlayOregonPerrysburgSouth ToledoWest ToledoWhitehouse Service Time being Checked * 5:009:0011:001:00 Current Date and Time PREP arrowdown Have consistent host and admin for a month? Did Not ObserveYesNo All materials are prepped and ready to go? Did Not ObserveYesNo Graphically prepared signage is in use? Did Not ObserveYesNo Growth Track team and staff are wearing lanyards and/or name tags? Did Not ObserveYesNo Welcome Sign is up? Did Not ObserveYesNo Environment feels welcoming and ready for guests? Did Not ObserveYesNo Notes: Experience arrowdown Host carries vision for the spiritual journey? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Host is knowledgeable and prepared with content? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Host is excited about Growth Track and our church? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Host makes it fun and welcoming - you feel like you want to come back? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Host is engaging and shares their own stories helping people to see the spiritual journey and the what it looks like to be a difference maker? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Host is able to provide clear next steps and serves those who aren't sure? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Host helps guests to see that these principles are ongoing and always developing as they continue on their spiritual journey? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Admin is prepared in role? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Admin is helpful to host and are working as a team? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Growth Track team demonstrated GUEST principles? 5 - hitting this one out of the park4 - yes with a few tweaks3 - yes and no, additional training or reminders needed2 - not really doing this, training needed1 - did not see or experience this Notes: This page is maintained by Jason Jones / Last Updated: Sunday, March 7, 2021