Downloadable Materials:
Class Overview
Audio Technology Terms
Microphone Placement
Skills Assessment – Mixer Navigation
Class Powerpoint
Compression Cheat Sheet
Week 1
-What type of system do we have? (Passive / Bi / Tri)
-How many mix busses do you have at your campus?
Week 2
-What kind of microphones do we have? (Cardiod, Super Cardiod etc)
-What is the polar pattern on our microphones?
-What type of DI boxes do we have? (Active or Passive) and why?
-Practice wrapping cables over & over. (Over & under can create knots)
-Try taking the phase out of microphones. (This can help with feedback)
-Are our stage decks wired nicely? (Help your arts pastor with good stage cable management)
Week 3
Week 4
–Sennheiser Frequency Finder
–Shure Frequency Finder