Use the Lighting Board (Chapel)

1.) Turn on the lighting board by rolling the dial on the power switch

2.) Press the ‘OFF’ Button on the wall panel and turn the knob next to it. This gives control over to you and locks out the controls on the floor.

3.) This is the lighting controller.

the ‘Grand Master” fader needs to be up, as well as the two ‘Crossfade’ faders.

Adjust the top faders (1-12) for your preferred look. They are labeled

If you want two looks, adjust the faders on the bottom half, and fade between them by moving bother crossfade faders up and down.

4) When done, click the “scene 1” button the wall which will let you bring all the faders down while still providing light to the room. Then turn off the board, and turn the knob on the wall to off. Once people are out, you can click “off” on the wall to put the room in the dark.