Our Voice

Our Voice

The Voice of CedarCreek is…
  • BOLD but not RECKLESS
  • NATURAL but not PLAIN
  • ACTIVE but not BOSSY
  • INVITING but not NEEDY

Messaging Keywords

CedarCreek should prioritize the following words in crafting copy, as they position who we serve, what we offer, and how we’ll deliver it in alignment with what matters most to them.

Our hope is that as writers are writing, these are the words that are used most frequently and would be chosen over others when given the opportunity.

Guiding Principles
Our People are our Story

To create a brand that people can relate to, we need to champion our people.

This emphasis is primary for us, because our core strategy of outreach is through these very people. We want them to see themselves as owners of our community, and for our target audience to see themselves fitting in with the real, normal people who are a part of CedarCreek.

The Christian Life is an Adventure to Explore

Our audience is made up of kickboxers and CrossFitters, hikers and off-roaders. Our message dials up the emphasis on the Christian life as an adventure worth living. This emphasis on adventure comes through in our written and visual language in subtle but effective ways.

We Invite our Audience to Action

Though they may still be exploring what we believe and even who we are, their bias for action wil make them eager to explore by doing, and the direction of our message should folow suit. Let’s give them a way to get in the game.

Our message can invite them (and the rest of our community) to “Find a place to belong” or “Shake up your summer” or “Give back to our city.”

Honesty Beats Perfection

We actively find ways to show our imperfections and name our actual shortcomings as a brand. In the past, “excellence” was seen as a virtue; to this audience, it may read as a euphemism for deception.

You Matter

A fundamental assumption of our message is built on the inherent worth of every person. We care about them more than we do about our own brand name, and we emphasize their value.

This is more than a tagline; it’s a core part of how we approach ministry—and it’s more effective as a value that we express than as a phrase we say.

When the word “you” is used, it changes the focus of the content from communicating a subject matter to engaging with the audience member personally.

“You Matter” is the core DNA of the CedarCreek brand, best expressed through the lens of the other messaging principles and values shown throughout this brand guide.