Our Audience

Our Audience

Audience Insights

The Big Idea

Are you ready for an adventure? The Adventure of You.

Who are we talking to?

Our target audience is young, vibrant, and sorting through the complexity of life.

Many have limited church experience, or were burned by the church in the past. Some are searching for guidance or input on how to live life or raise their kids the “right” way. They value wisdom and mentorship. Others are simply looking for a place to belong. As they consider the possibility of attending a church, their emotional response ranges from mild ambivalence to deep contempt. At the core, they are individuals who value maintaining a sense of who they are and fear that participation in a faith community will be nothing more than a list of things they can’t do anymore.

Their most important values in choosing a faith community:
  • Acceptance for WHERE I AM NOW
  • Guidance and Wisdom from SOMEONE I RESPECT
  • Space to meet REAL NORMAL PEOPLE
Our Target Personas

We Invite Our Audience to Action

It would be easy to assume that our audience won’t be ready to take any action until they’ve crossed the line of faith.But these are active, energetic people who want to experience al life has to offer.

Though they may still be exploring what we believe and even who we are, their bias for action will make them eager to explore by doing, and the direction of our message should follow suit. Let’s give them a way to get in the game. This is different than asking them to change – that will and should be a slow process. But our message can invite them (and the rest of our community) to “Find a place to belong” or “Shake up your summer” or “Give back to our city.”

The Christian Life is an Adventure to Explore

Our audience is made up of kickboxers and CrossFitters. Hikers and off-roaders.Our message dials up the emphasis on the Christian life as an adventure worth living. This emphasis on adventure comes through in our written and visual language in subtle but effective ways.

Jesus is inviting us out past safe or comfortable, into new frontiers. He’s calling us to experience, one practical step after the next, the full, wild, bold life that God has for each of us. It’s a life of stepping into courage and dying to self. A life of moving from estranged to adopted, from addicted to free. A life that begins with curiosity and questions and continues on into eternity. As individuals, we each have a story of where we were when God met us, and how He’s working uniquely in each of our lives. And as a community, we celebrate the stories of life-change we see all around us. They remind us of our own stories and inspire us to believe for more – for ourselves, our friends, our families, and our cities.