Core Brand Colors

Core Brand Colors

Color Palette

The color palette contains the many blues associated with CedarCreek with a bit of orange to add more color. The accent colors can be used to add pops of color. The bright yellow goes along with the rebellious spirit of our church. The green is associated with nature, which fits wel with the adventure-seeking audience we are reaching.

Primary Colors

Typically, blue conveys trust, strength and dependability and grays communicate balance, practicality and humility. Our blue has some electricity to it to stir excitement.

Pantone PMS 313 | HEX #0090bf
Pantone PMS 425 | HEX #474649
Pantone PMS 426 | HEX #25282a
Pantone PMS 429 | HEX #8a8a92
Secondary Colors

Used within ministries and sub brands.

Pantone PMS 312 | HEX #00a6cf
Pantone PMS 311 | HEX #1fc2de
Pantone PMS 310 | HEX #60d0e4
Pantone PMS 302 | HEX #003a5d
Accent Colors

Used to provide a pop of color when needed.

Pantone PMS 153 | HEX #c06b16
Pantone PMS 584 | HEX #1fc2de
Pantone PMS 7495 | HEX #60d0e4