Creating an Article

Follow the instructions below to add a new article:

  1. Add a new article
  2. Name your aricle
  3. Select a category on the right side of the page
  4. Click PUBLISH

From here let’s add some content.

Any typed or linked content can be added on the [Article Page] tab in the main content block.  Be sure to click update after you add your content.

If you would like to add a video to the article, you can do so by navigating to the [Settings] tab.

From here, turn on the video progression option.

  1. Drop in your video url
  2. Turn on the Video Control Display option
  3. Turn on the Video Resume option
  4. Click UPDATE

Lastly, we need to add this article to a knowledge base.  Navigate to the knowledge base you would like to add the article to.

  1. Click the Builder Tab
  2. Find your newly created article on the right hand side.
  3. Click ‘ADD’ next to that article
    1. This will add the article to the builder on the left side.
  4. Drag and Drop the article where you would like it to live.

Click [UPDATE] on the knowledge base.