Important Email Information

Some important info for you to know:

Size Limits:

Emails are limited to 50MB each. However this is only reliably used internally. Emails to recipients other than may fail to deliver if they are larger than 15MB as most of the world doesn’t yet support larger emails. Some do, but your mileage may vary.


Webmail can be reached at:

Retention Limits:

Emails are auto-pruned from the system if older than the following list if they are in these folders or a sub-folder within these folders. If you wish to keep something indefinitely, create a new folder at the same level as the main folders (not as a sub-folder) and move items into it so they will not be subject to retention limits.

  • Inbox: 3 years
  • Sent: 2 years
  • Deleted: 1 year
  • Junk: 90 days

Pro Tip:

Emails flagged as SPAM go to your Junk folder. If you want a quick glance of what is new, we recommend setting your Inbox AND your Junk folder as favorites in your email program. Right click on them and mark as a favorite or use your program’s settings to arrange the junk folder near the top of the list to check regularly.