Scheduling Texts

Posted initially by Planning Center Services

You can adjust settings on your profile to allow you to receive text messages from Planning Center.  They can also respond to text messages to accept or decline scheduled requests.

Verizon has stopped supporting text notifications. Verizon users should install the Services app on their phones so that they can get push notifications through the app.

Edit Text Settings

You can change your own notification settings and mobile information from your profile, and if you have Scheduler or higher permissions, you can change another person’s settings if you know which mobile carrier the person has.

From the Communications tab in a person’s profile, select the types of notifications the person will receive from the Text Notifications section.

Edit Notification Settings

Only people with Scheduler permissions or higher will see the Scheduling Replies checkbox.

To edit a person’s mobile information, click the Edit button in the Text Notifications section of the Communications tab.

Edit Notification Settings

Edit the person’s email and mobile phone information in their profile, as needed.

Add a Mobile Number & Carrier

The following needs to be set up for a person to receive text messages:

  1. Make sure there’s an email address in the profile.
  2. Choose Mobile as the phone number type, and choose the mobile carrier.
  3. If there is more than one mobile number listed, make sure that the preferred number is marked with a star.

In order for text messaging to be a free service, Planning Center uses the SMS Gateway provided by each cell company, which is why you must set the cell carrier correctly for texting to work. This allows Planning Center to send a regular email to an address like, which the cell company then converts to a regular text message.

Responding to Text Notifications

There are a few ways to respond to a scheduling request, depending on the mobile carrier that you have.

If your carrier is shown in the list below, you will receive a request to respond by text. You might also receive a request to respond by short link or log into Planning Center to view your assignment.

Carriers That Allow Text Replies

Text Message Scheduling Request

Some mobile carriers support replying directly back to the text message in order to confirm. These notifications will include information about the date and position you are scheduled for.

Responding to A Scheduling Request via Text Message

 Respond to the message by typing ACCEPT or DECLINE.

You can also reply STOP to disable any further text notifications.