Managing your Schedule

Posted initially by Planning Center Services

Use the My Schedule page to manage your schedule. If you have a household set up, you can also manage the schedule of those people as well.

In order to see your household members’ schedules, you will need to have a household set up in Planning Center. Use the Email My Leader button on the My Schedule page to contact your team leader and ask them to set it up.

This article has instructions for managing your schedule from Services. You can also respond to scheduling requests from My Services in Church Center.

My Schedule Page

You can accept or decline scheduling requests, view the plans you are a part of, and block out dates you know you will be unavailable from your My Schedule page.

If you have family members showing that you don’t want to accept or decline positions for, deselect their pictures at the top of the page. This will remove their scheduled positions from your My Schedule page.

The My Schedule Page
  1. View a calendar overview with color-coded symbols under the dates.
  2. The scrolling list of assignments adjusts to match the calendar view.
  3. Set blockout dates to let your team leaders know when you aren’t available, view any messages sent or received in Services, or email a team leader.
  4. Sign up for a position, or respond to pending scheduling requests.

If a team leader has added you to their schedule but hasn’t sent you an email yet, it will not show up in My Schedule until the email is sent.

Responding to Scheduling Requests

Select the date on a card to go to the plan, or hover over the card to accept or decline specific positions.

In Pending cards, you have the option to also accept positions.

Reponding to requests
  1. Click on the date or title of the plan to go to the plan.
  2. Click the clock icon to see a popup of all times assigned to the positions.
  3. Hover over a position to see the option to decline or accept that position.
  4. Click Decline or Accept to accept all positions for this plan.
Plan card

Changing Your Response

If you have accepted a position and decide later that you want to decline it, you can decline it from the Confirmed section of your My Schedule page.

Hover over the plan card, and click the X to decline the position. If there is more than one position on a plan card, you will need to decline them separately.


If you have declined a position, and you now want to accept it, you will need to contact your team leader to ask them to reassign you.

Email leader

You can only email leaders for the teams that you are on. If you have household members that want to accept a previously declined position, they will need to contact their team leader themselves.