Our Story

Our Story

By Following This Guide

You help to define CedarCreek for your audience. Even more importantly, the way you consistently use these brand marks helps your audience identify, differentiate, and remember you. This guide helps to create a framework for understanding how to use, and in some cases, avoid misusing, the brand marks. It is not intended to become a burden, but instead to become a set of guiding riverbanks for the CedarCreek visual identity to flow between.

Our People Are Our Story

To create a brand that people can relate to, we need to champion our people. Their lives, their transformation, their contributions are the foundation of our story.

On social and web, in services and over email, we highlight the people who make CedarCreek who we are. This emphasis is primary for us, because our core strategy of outreach is through these very people. We want them to see themselves as owners of our community, and for our target audience to see themselves fitting in with the real, normal people who are a part of CedarCreek.

Our Mission

We exist to introduce people to Jesus and the life changing adventure with him.

Our Drivers Inform The Way We Speak And Write

Rock n’ roll church looking to be excellent, advertising like a business, reaching the ‘lost’. More focus on reaching the new lost people than focusing on the keeping the existing people.

Our heart for the lost, and that we consider the journey we’re on an adventure.

Supporting wandering people on their path to eternal peace by being introduced to Jesus.

CedarCreek is a safe and attractive place to invite people to learn about Jesus.

Our passion and excitement for reaching the lost and changing lives.

The messages are relatable, content is easy to swallow. Sticking to an hour of church time is essential (reliable time keeping.) Not boring. Church can be exciting with CedarCreek.

Size of church give so much potential to make a difference/big impact. We are a place where people can discover purpose and make a difference right where they are.

Place to find purpose/use gifts in a way that brings together passion/talent/faith. Seeing how God moves through our church, how he uses us,
and working with immensely talented people.

Opportunity for impact with so many people united. Large church gives potential for God to move.

Being part of the best requires being a part of something bigger than yourself. We are all tools individually, and when we come together we experience some amazing things.

We Live Out Our Faith in Big Ways

Our size isn’t a sign of success; it’s an opportunity for impact. We know that talk is cheap, so we dig in to demonstrate our faith in actions. We’re big-picture dreamers w h o love to see God’s work on a scale that makes a real difference for the people all around us.

This action-bias flows out of our genuine, personal experiences with God, and serves as a sign and a service to the city we call home.

We Call Our Audience to a Bold Adventure

We aren’t willing to settle for safe or comfortable when transformation is inviting us out into new frontiers. We long to experience, one practical step after the next, the full, wild, bold life that God has for each of us. As a community, we celebrate the stories of life-change we see all around us. They remind us of our own stories and inspire us to believe for more – for ourselves, our friends, our families, and our city.

As individuals, we each have a story of where we were when God met us. and affirm that more is always calling. For some, estranged to adopted. For others, addicted to free. For many, impersonal to intimate. We own the truth of where we each began.

Our Rebellious Spirit Demands “Real.”

We’ve been drawn together by our common discomfort with what many consider “normal” and out of it, we fight to create a place and be a community where we can be our true selves. We know that choosing to reveal the “real” in ourselves is a risk, but it’s one worth taking.

Together, we create a space where anyone who’s felt out of place – too much or not enough – finds the same acceptance, belonging, and authenticity that we had always longed to experience ourselves.
This choice costs us something (namely the admiration of some other Christians and churches). But we’ve never really fit in with them anyway.

We Hold a Relentless Heart for the Lost

Our goal isn’t to fil our seats with the already-convinced. When we look into the pages of Scripture (and the truth of our own lives) we see a God who leaves the ninety-nine, who pursues at all costs, who rejoices each and every time a son or daughter comes back into the family.
This persevering love drives us to create experiences, take risks, and live lives all built around extending God’s love to beautiful people who are disconnected from him (as many of us once were ourselves).