Text Keywords

Note: any Keyword with an * are industry standard keywords. If someone texts [stop], [stopall], [unsubscribe], [cancel], [end] or [quit]; the user will be unsubscribed from being sent text message from the number they sent the keyword too. For example, if someone sends [stop] to 419-419-0707; they will be unsubscribed from receiving messages from 419-419-0707.  However, they could still receive text messages from 567-302-3020. In order for a user to be re-subscribed to receive messages at the number they have un-subscribed from; they can text [start], [yes] or [unstop] to that number.

In addition to unsubscribing from our text service, we can also unsubscribe someone using our Rock platform.  Any staff member can navigate to a persons profile in rock. Click the ‘edit’ button in the top right corner.  If a user has SMS checked [√] next to their phone number, rock will attempt to send them text messages. If there is no SMS check mark next to their phone number, rock will not attempt to send them a text message. Just remember, if a user has an sms [√] next to their phone number, but the user has sent a [stop] keyword to our text services… the SMS [√] does not matter. Our text service will not send the text.

Best Practice: It is our best practice, that if you receive a [stop] keyword, we ask staff to navigate to a persons profile in rock and remove the SMS [√].

  • Workflows – Used to return a quick response, sign a person up for a group or subscribe someone to a communication segment. 419-419-0707
    • [21days] – Join us for 21 days of Prayer! https://cedarcreek.tv/21days/ -*- Changes -*- You are joining hundreds taking part in 21 Days of Prayer. We are glad to have you! Expect a daily text with a prayer link and some tips on how to pray. Add us to your contacts and jump in! https://cedarcreek.tv/21days/ -*- Second Message -*- To get started, we would love it if you would complete this 1 question survey. my.cedarcreek.tv/survey/4
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the 21 days communication list
    • [advent] – You’ve opted into Advent 2022! Expect a daily (M-F) text message through the month of December.MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the Advent 2022 communication list
    • [baptism] – We would love to help you connect and take a next step! https://my.cedarcreek.tv/page/915
    • *[cancel] – Will unsubscribe the user from the phone number they texted
    • [cars] – Our CARS Ministry helps to maintain safe and reliable transportation for families in need through oil changes, minor repairs, and safety inspections. Please contact cars@cedarcreek.tv for more information.
    • [connect] – Will return an online version of the connect card
    • [curious] – Thanks for showing interest in the Alpha Group. You will receive more information soon. MSG&Data rates may apply
      • Added to the Alpha Interest 2024 communication list
    • [decided]- YouMatter! We are excited to go on this adventure with you! Someone will be in touch about your next steps this week!
      • Initiates a 4 part email campaign over 32 days
      • Connection Request is initiated
    • [dreamteam] – https://cedarcreek.tv/serve/
    • *[end] – Will unsubscribe the user from the phone number they texted
    • [faithplan] or [faith]- Thank you for subscribing! You will receive your first email this week. MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the Faith Plan communication list
    • [fiction] – Welcome! You’ve opted into our Flash Fiction series – 2023. This is a chance to further explore the theme from last weekend’s film in a fun, new story. Enjoy! MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the Flash Fiction communication list
    • [forfindlay] or [findlay] – Thank you for signing up for our FOR FINDLAY campaign. By opting into this you will receive regular progress updates on our new facility and learn ways to make a difference moving forward. Msg&Data Rates May Apply
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the For Findlay communication list
    • [friend]s – Response message will be updated weekly with a link to a unique content item
    • [give] or [giving] – Thank you for supporting CedarCreek’s mission! https://cedarcreek.tv/give
    • [growth] or [growthtrack] – https://cedarcreek.tv/growthtrack/
    • *[help] – Will return information about text messaging services.
    • *[info] – Will return information about text messaging services.
    • [israel] – We’d love to have you join our Israel trip! For details and information, visit www.cedarcreek.tv/israel
    • [joinxx] – Immediate reply from 0707 – Thank you!; Followed by a reply from the Next Steps Director SMS Number – We will be in touch soon regarding your interest to Join a Group. If you need anything else, you can reply directly to this message.
      • Note: A connection request will be created and assigned to the Next Steps Director of Groups to followup.
      • [joinfn]
      • [joinor]
      • [joinpb]
      • [joinst]
      • [joinwt]
      • [joinwh]
    • [living] or [livingitout] or [living it out] – Help live out the weekend message throughout your week with the LivingItOut daily Bible study! https://livingitout.tv
    • [lio] – You have been subscribed to a daily email for our Living it Out. If you would like to change this to a daily text message reply LIOSMS to this text. MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the LIO communication list
    • [liosms]Your subscription method for the Living It Out has been changed from EMAIL to TEXT. If you want to change back, reply with LIOEMAIL. MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the LIO communication list
    • [lioemail] – Your subscription method for the Living It Out has been changed from TEXT to EMAIL. If you want to change back, reply with LIOSMS. MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the LIO communication list
    • [lunch] – Thanks for opting into CedarCreek Lunch and Learn updates! As events are scheduled we will be back in touch. MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Added to the hope it helps communication list
    • [mark] – Congrats! You took the first step to read Mark, an eyewitness account of Jesus’ life. We start March 4, and you’ll get a text reminder linking you right to it. MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the mark communication list
    • [missions] – We’re so excited that you’re interested in learning more about mission trip opportunities with CedarCreek! Check out the details at cedarcreek.tv/missions
    • [mobileapp] or [app] – Take a step on your life-changing adventure with Jesus when you download the CedarCreek app. We’ll help you develop daily spiritual habits, connect you with a community of people and help you grow your faith. https://subsplash.com/cedarcreek/app
    • [outreach] – Join us as we step into our communities and around the world to show the love of Jesus in real and tangible ways – cedarcreek.tv/outreach
    • [pray] or [prayer] – We would love to pray for you! https://my.cedarcreek.tv/Page/233
    • [question] – Will redirect a user to an event Q&A form.
    • *[quit] – Will unsubscribe the user from the phone number they texted
    • [satserve] – Second Serve: Join us every second Saturday of the month, as we practically demonstrate God’s love by serving others! https://cedarcreek.tv/outreach/
    • [servexx] – You’ve opted into updates on ways to team up with CedarCreek to serve our community. We can’t wait to make a difference with you! MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • [servefn]
      • [serveor]
      • [servepb]
      • [servest]
      • [servewt]
      • [servewh]
    • [shoe] or [shoeboxes] – By investing in Christmas Shoeboxes, you can show a child how much they matter to God and to us! Msg&Data Rates May Apply cedarcreek://app-link/nav/home
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the Christmas Shoebox communication list
    • *[start] – Will subscribe the user to communication from the phone number they texted
    • *[stop] or [stopall] – Will unsubscribe the user from the phone number they textedd
    • [subscriptions] – You can subscribe and unsubscribe from different communication lists here: https://my.cedarcreek.tv/subscriptions/
    • [survey] – Thank you so much for your feedback! https://cedarcreek.tv/survey
    • [test] – Thanks for subscribing to Questions in the Car. You can expect a text each Wednesday at 8pm. MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Added to the test communication list
    • [titus] – Congrats! You took the first step to read Titus. We start July 8th, and you’ll get a text reminder linking you right to it. MSG&Data rates may apply.
      • Person Attribute Set
      • Added to the titus communication list
    • {{ unknown }} – We apologize for the error but can not find that keyword in our database. If you need additional assistance, please contact us at Info@CedarCreek.tv
    • *[unstop] – Will subscribe the user to communication from the phone number they texted
    • *[unsubscribe] – Will unsubscribe the user from the phone number they texted
    • *[yes] – Will subscribe the user to communication from the phone number they texted
  • Takeaways – Used to return a quick response in addition to saving the response in a secure site unique to each user. my.cedarcreek.tv/takeaways 419-419-0808
    • [growthtrack]
      • Quick Response: https://cedarcreek.tv/growthtrack/
      • Content for Site: n/a
    • [academy]
      • Quick Response: Thank you for saving the ‘academy’ takeaway! You can find it here: https://my.cedarcreek.tv/takeaways
      • Content for Site: n/a
    • [influence]
      • Quick Response: Thank you for saving the ‘influence’ takeaway! You can find it here: https://my.cedarcreek.tv/takeaways
      • Content for Site: n/a
    • [leadership]
      • Quick Response: Thank you for saving the ‘leadership’ takeaway! You can find your takeaway notes here: https://my.cedarcreek.tv/takeaways
      • Content for Site: Yes
    • [questions]
      • Quick Response: Thank you for saving the ‘questions’ takeaway! You can find your takeaway notes here: https://my.cedarcreek.tv/takeaways
      • Content for Site: Yes
    • [onedrive]
      • Quick Response: Thank you for saving the ‘onedrive’ takeaway! You can find your takeaway notes here: https://my.cedarcreek.tv/takeaways
      • Content for Site: Yes


  • [1monday] or [firstmonday] – Join us as we gather to pray together every first Monday of the month, 7pm at each campus and online! https://cedarcreek.tv/prayer
  • [adventure] – www.cedarcreek.tv/adventure
  • [allow] – Thank you! Your opinion is really valuable to us, and we love being on the life changing adventure together.
  • [better] – Thanks for subscribing! Beginning Monday, you will receive texts M-F for 3 weeks. They’ll share fun ideas to help you be better together!
    • Person Attribute Set
    • Added to the Better in Bed communication list
  • [better] – You’ve opted into 60 Days to Better Mental Health! Expect 3 texts a week and consider inviting a friend, your Group or family, or a co-worker to take part too. Our hope is to provide practical Christ-centered steps towards improving your mental health & emotional well-being. MSG&Data rates may apply.
    • Person Attribute Set
    • Added to the 60 Days to Better Mental Health communication list
  • [blue] – Will add the correct ISTYHT Color Assessment to a person profile
  • [book] – Merry Christmas! We hope this book is a blessing for you on your life-changing adventure with Jesus.
  • [cctv] – Will return a link to cedarcreek.tv
  • [christmas] – https://www.cedarcreek.tv/christmas
  • [color] or [colors] – Will begin the ISTYHT – Color Assessment workflow
  • [cook] or [cookoff] or [cook-off] or [cook off] – Thank you for registering for our Chili Cook-Off! We look forward to having you participate in this event on Tuesday, November 29th!
  • [deny] – Thank you! Your opinion is really valuable to us, and we love being on the life changing adventure together.
  • [difference] – Are you ready?! Click on this link to find out more about how you can make a difference in your neighborhood: https://cedarcreek.tv/makeadifferencebox/
  • [dreamteam] – https://cedarcreek.tv/serve/
  • [easter] – https://www.cedarcreek.tv/easter
  • [emotions] – Click for practical tools to coach your child’s emotional intelligence. Controlling Impulses: https://theparentcue.org/pcl-54-how-to-teach-emotional-intelligence-to-your-kids/ Understanding Your Emotions and Others: https://theparentcue.org/raising-emotionally-intelligent-teens/
  • [enter] – Will add the person to a group for a contest submission.
  • [experience] – Will return a link to /christmas
  • [fair] – Here is your resource for week 2 of Date Night with Ben & Lauren.
    • Attachment
  • [fall] or [fallevent] or [fall event] – Will return a link to /fallevent
  • [freedom] – You’re all set! On Wednesdays during our series, you’ll get a link to our podcast where we’ll talk more about the Road to Freedom. Listen in to keep learning. MSG&Data rates may apply.
    • Person Attribute Set
    • Added to the Freedom communication list
  • [fusion] or [fusioncamp] or [fusion camp] – Will return a link to FusionCamp.tv
  • [gather] – Used exclusively on the APP. Will migrate to the colors workflow.
  • [green] – Will add the correct ISTYHT Color Assessment to a person profile
  • [groups] – We weren’t meant to do life alone. Find your people by joining a Group! https://cedarcreek.tv/groups/
  • [heart] or [hearttohand] or [heart to hand] – Will return a link to /hearttohand
  • [here] – Join us for a conversation with your child about what it looks like to follow Jesus! https://cedarcreek.tv/starthere/
  • [home] – We’ve got you covered for Church at Home! On Saturday 12/31 we’ll send you the direct link to enjoy the service whenever and wherever the New Year’s weekend takes you!
  • [hope] – You’re part of an all-out campaign to show people how much they matter to God & to us through Hope it Helps! Need ideas? Visit CedarCreek.tv/hope MSG&Data rates may apply.
    • Person Attribute Set
    • Added to the hope it helps communication list
  • [honduras] – Will return a link to sign up for the fall 2020 mission trip.
  • [impact] – Imagine the impact when we all take simple steps to communicate YOU MATTER to others. Twice weekly we’ll text ideas for making a difference. Try 1, 2 or more! MSG&Data rates may apply.
    • Person Attribute Set
    • Added to the butterfly effect communication list.
  • [internship] – Is CedarCreek’s internship program the right next step for you? Find out more at https://CedarCreek.tv/internships/
  • [invite] – We are pumped to celebrate Christmas with YOU! Send this image to a friend and invite them join you at a service.
  • [job] or [jobs] – Are You Ready for the Adventure? Find Available Positions by clicking here: https://cedarcreek.tv/jobs/
  • [john] – Welcome to reading the book of John! M-F during Follower, we’ll text you what you need, starting 3/21! Find out more at CedarCreek.tv/john MSG&Data rates may apply.
    • Person Attribute Set
    • Added to the hope it helps communication list
  • [kc2021] – Will return a link to /kidscamp
  • [kids] – For more information about CedarCreek Kids visit our website: https://www.cedarcreek.tv/kids
  • [kidseaster] – Your child experienced the Easter story in a unique and powerful way. Attached is our Start Here Parent Guide to help answer faith questions and lead your child into a relationship with Jesus. https://cedarcreek.tv/wp-content/uploads/StartHereParentGuide.pdf
  • [learn] – Here is your takeaway on Managing Transitions; if you would like to hear more about future Lunch & Learns, text lunch to 419-419-0707. http://my.cedarcreek.tv/managing-transitions
  • [letters] – A letter to an inmate at Toledo Correctional Institution sends the message YOU MATTER. Submit your letter here: https://my.cedarcreek.tv/page/979
  • [luke] – Welcome to reading Luke! We’ll text you M-F. MSG&Data rates may apply.
  • [marriage] – Thank you for signing up for Double Date with Ben and Lauren. This online event will happen on Wednesday Nights from 9:00-9:45pm on March 22nd, March 29th & April 5th. Each week, 15 minutes before the online event, you will receive a text message with the link to join. See you soon.
  • [mensevent] – Register for the Men’s Event coming up Fri, Oct 21, 5:30pm. Register at https://www.cedarcreek.tv/mensevent
  • [new] – We are excited to connect with you! https://my.cedarcreek.tv/page/555
  • [preach] – Will return a registration form used for signing up to win. Register to win HERE: https://my.cedarcreek.tv/page/413?RegistrationInstanceId=130
  • [purpose] – Will return the ‘Week 3 Growth Track’
  • [resource] or [promise] or [promises] – Here is the one-time resource on God’s promises that you requested. We pray it is a blessing and reminds you of God’s faithfulness. https://my.cedarcreek.tv/page/1378?Item=608
  • [ramsey] – Will begin the Ramsey+ workflow
  • [readit] – What would change if you spent the next 20 days in Colossians? Let’s find out together! Expect 1-2 texts a week starting Mon 7/17 and tell us, how often do you read/listen to the Bible now? (SURVEY LINK HERE) 
  • [recovery] – You’ve just taken your first step toward freedom from hurts, habits, or hang-ups -check out times and locations at the link below: https://cedarcreek.tv/celebraterecovery
  • [red] – Will add the correct ISTYHT Color Assessment to a person profile
  • [right] or [rightnow] or [right now] – Right now Adult and Kids: (Do Adult and kids direct to different places, or could I use the same thing for both? Is there a reason for them to be separate?) Access an incredible library of video Bible studies and resources for free with RightNow Media! https://cedarcreek.tv/resources/
  • [santa] or [santabowl] or [santa bowl] – Free donuts, hot chocolate, and flag football – it’s Santa Bowl 2021! Dec 4th, 9-12 grade students vs group leaders. Register at https://cedarcreek.tv/students/
  • [serve] – Will return a link to /serve
  • [serveday] – https://cedarcreek.tv/serveday/
  • [south] – Will return a link to the student group signup
  • [staff] – Thank you for voting
  • [student] or [students] – For more information about Student Ministries click here: https://cedarcreek.tv/students
  • [summercamp] – We offer camps each summer for Kindergarten through High School! Interested? Visit https://cedarcreek.tv/camps
  • [summer] – It’s Summer at CedarCreek! We’ll text a couple times a week with different ways to grow your awareness of God’s presence in your present. Try 1, 2 or more.
    • Person Attribute Set
    • Added to the summer communication list
  • [summit] – https://www.cedarcreek.tv/summit
  • [swag] – www.cedarcreek.tv/swag
  • [times] – For times and locations, check out this link: https://cedarcreek.tv/locations
  • [treat] – We’re excited for you to join us for Halloweekend! Click Here for Trunk or Treat – https://my.cedarcreek.tv/page/413?RegistrationInstanceId=154 Over 15 – Click Here for Pumpkin Bowl – https://my.cedarcreek.tv/Registration?RegistrationInstanceId=155
  • [trunk] – Thank you for expressing interest in hosting a trunk during our Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday, October 28 @ 6 PM. We are excited to serve alongside you and create a fun experience for the families in our community!
  • [vaccine] – Will return an invitation to text in a question to a local team member at 567-302-3020
  • [whcampus] – WH March Madness Bracket Challenge.  Be sure to put your First & Last name as the title of your bracket so we can determine winners.  https://www.cedarcreek.tv/whcampus
  • [womensevent] – Register for the Women’s Event coming up Thur, Nov 18, 7pm. Register at https://www.cedarcreek.tv/womensevent
  • [yellow] – Will add the correct ISTYHT Color Assessment to a person profile
  • {{ ##### }} – Looks for a zip code and returns a location & service times nearby
  • [zoo] or [zooshirt or [zoo shirt] – Will return a link to /merch