Typically open a web browser: https://cedar-creek.apollos.church/?id=MediaContentItem-360072eb-4830-49b2-b64f-a812a25a9e7d
Can open within App: https://cedar-creek.production.apollos.app/app-link/content/MediaContentItem:360072eb-4830-49b2-b64f-a812a25a9e7d
This will only work if there is media in the item
It will not work if media is not in the item
Note: Use this if you want to link from a link/button already within the app: cedarcreek://app-link/content/MediaContentItem:a02f9a0c-01f3-4e12-8989-1dda55392637
Can open within App: https://cedar-creek.production.apollos.app/app-link/content/UniversalContentItem:360072eb-4830-49b2-b64f-a812a25a9e7d
This will only work if there is not media in the item
It will not work if media is in the item
Note: Use this if you want to link from a link/button already within the app: cedarcreek://app-link/content/UniversalContentItem:a02f9a0c-01f3-4e12-8989-1dda55392637