Sardius Uploads

When uploading to Sardius use the FTP Client: Cyber Duck

If you are looking for FTP credentials & authentication; you can find them as a FILE asset in Sardius named: Watch Folder Instructions – Backblaze

Note: Please upload to the HLS-Enhanced folder.

The below profiles are listed below as they would be found as folder names within the FTP uploading program, along with a description to help you choose which file type is right for your needs.

  • hls

              HTTP Live Streaming, or HLS, is a live streaming protocol that is the industry standard.  This file type is for streaming only.

  • hls-enhanced

               The same use and quality as above, but the enhanced version takes a little less time to process.

  • mp4

               The industry standard for downloadable videos. If you plan to share the asset in the future, consider this file type. 

                Also used for certain streaming, like Advanced SimLive to social media.

  • mp4-enhanced

                 The same use and quality as above, but the enhanced version takes a little less time to process.

  • import
    This imports the file as-is, with no publishing.
  • audio

Files published through the audio folder will import as an MP3 file.

When uploading a file through your FTP Client it is important to understand the name of the file matters.

Accepted File Types:

  • .mp4
  • .mov
  • .mp3

Note: Make sure the file extension is NOT capitalized

Do not use special characters in your File Name:

  •  .  – Period
  •  /  – Forward Slash
  •  \  – Back Slash
  •  ”  – Quatation
  •  [ ] – Brackets
  •  { } – Brackets
  • Bad example: FileName 4.16.2023.Mp4
  • Good example: FileName 4162023.mp4
Please follow these naming structures AFTER the file has been uploaded into Sardius:
Weekend Message:
  • Series Name | Week #
  • Ex: Unfazed | Week 4

Kids Weekend:

  • Ministry Name | Week # (dates)
  • Ex: Preschool | Week 4 (Oct 7th/8th)

Kids Worship:

  • Ministry Name Worship | Song (month)
  • Ex: Preschool Worship | Be Brave (Oct)

Dollar Club:

  • Name of Charity | Dollar Club
  • Ex: Mom’s House | Dollar Club


  • Ministry Name of Song
  • Ex: 1,000 Names

Series Overview:

  • Series Name | Series Overview
  • Ex: Unfazed | Series Overview


  • Person/Group Name | Topic
  • Ex: Amy Delgado | Make a Difference