The key data points for calculating an eRA are giving and attendance. Neither is treated as more important as each is a good reflection of activity. While researching the best algorithm, we tried to have a bias toward the speed of detection without having too many false positives. The result should determine a regular attender within four months of the first activity.
There are actually two recipes for determining an eRA. The first determines how one becomes (enters) an eRA, the other determines how one exits from being an eRA.
Criteria for Becoming an eRA
Criteria for Exiting an eRA
You might be thinking, “Those are a great start, a little tweaking for our church and we’ll be set.” Another goal of the eRA metric is to have a well-defined measure that churches can use to help benchmark. Because of this, we don’t allow the recipe to be configured. If you’re not sure why standard benchmarks are needed, just ask a church what their attendance is. Without asking at least four qualifying questions (is that just weekend services, does it include volunteers, etc.) you won’t know what this number really represents. For that reason, and to establish that well-defined measure, when calculating eRA Rock looks at the attendance for groups whose attendance counts as ‘Weekend Service’.
Working with Registrations: